Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in Digital marketing plays an important role. SEO in Digital marketing is mainly concerned with maintaining organic rankings on Search Engine Result Pages (SERP), while Digital Marketing is concerned with the total online presence of a business. So, you see that SEO is a part of Digital Marketing.
Search Engine Optimization is the process of making a web page easily accessible, by attracting prospective customers to your business using the right keywords. Now, the primary aim of SEO in digital marketing is to maximize content and information in a way that makes the content rank among the first results on SERP. For any business of today, SEO in Digital marketing is extremely important, and to get a huge web traffic SEO is needed. A good SEO makes a business website rank on the first or second page of SERP.
Some elements that make up a good SEO in Digital Marketing are:
- Meta tags
- Page design
- Website names and URLs
- Page contents
- Usability and accessibility, etc.
Types of SEO in Digital Marketing are:
1) White Hat SEO:
From its name ‘white hat’, it refers to something clean, something legal and legitimate. Here, it refers to the legal and legitimate practices and guidelines adhered to and adopted by business marketers to gain high rankings organically on search engine results pages (SERP). This type of SEO abides strictly by the guidelines of Search engines.
This type of SEO in Digital marketing does not aim at using loopholes and illegal ways to gain rankings but rather, seeks to grow organically and legitimately. The most common types of white hat practices are (i) Publishing of quality, accurate, knowledgeable content (ii) HTML optimization (iii) Link acquisition campaigns, etc. White hat practices may be slow in producing results, but once it produces results the effects are long-lasting.
2) Black Hat SEO:
As the name black connotes, it means something dark and dangerous. Black hat SEO involves the practices that aim at using loopholes in search engine algorithms to rank higher in SERP. Using these practices in Black hat SEO is illegitimate. The common black hat SEO practices are Hidden links, Hidden texts, spam links, cloaking, etc. These practices always redirect people to sites they never want to visit, and the traffic gotten from this type does not last long.
3) Grey Hat SEO:
This type is a combination of the white hat and black hat types of SEO. This type of SEO came about because of the business’s pressuring business Digital Marketers into providing immediate results for their paid services.
Here are a few benefits of SEO in digital marketing
1- SEO Results in Higher Clоѕе Rate
The latest rеѕеаrсh from Search Enginе Journal dерiсtѕ thаt mоrе thаn 14.6% close rаtе iѕ dеrivеd frоm SEO lеаdѕ and a 1.7% сlоѕе rаtе iѕ derived frоm оutbоund leads. This rеѕultѕ can bе аttributеd tо thе fact thаt SEO drives in сuѕtоmеrѕ thаt mаkе аn асtuаl ѕеаrсh fоr a ѕресifiс product оr service.
2- SEO Provides Buѕinеѕѕеѕ with long-lasting Results
SEO is thе соrе еlеmеnt оf a Digital Marketing саmраign thаt рrоvidеѕ lоng-tеrm rеѕultѕ. Hаving search viѕibilitу iѕ a grеаt аѕѕеt for соnѕiѕtеntlу driving in traffic and асhiеving Digitаl Mаrkеting goals fоr оnlinе businesses.
3- SEO Prоvidеѕ Credibility аnd Trust
It hеlрѕ businesses gаin trust аnd сrеdibilitу, by making thеir wеbѕitеѕ еаrn аuthоritу in their niches. Whеn searching for рrоduсtѕ and services сuѕtоmеrѕ рrеfеr tо раtrоnizе credible businesses, thеrеfоrе SEO рlасеѕ buѕinеѕѕеѕ оvеr thеir competition.
In conclusion, When developing a strategy, some important factors that need to be considered, are the target market, the keywords corresponding with the ROI, Quality website and top-notch content, relevant links, and social media sites, Good performance, and rankings on all search engines.
It is fast becoming necessary for the success of Digital Marketing. Search engine algorithms get updated from time to time, for the sole purpose of bringing the traffic. SEO is an ever-changing process and will be around to stay so long as Digital marketing and the internet still exist.